Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Set Al-Furqan

Posted by tenangnow | 0 comments
Umi percaya ramai mommy di luar sana yang telah menggunakan Set Al-Furqan ini untuk membantu dan mengajar anak membaca cepat Al-Quran...Berdasarkan kepada 'prinsip Glenn Doman' kaedah phonic ini semakin mendapat perhatian semua pihak sama ada ibu bapa, guru, pakar pendidikan kanak-kanak dan sebagainya. Banyak kajian dan bukti menunjukkan cara ini lebih berkesan berbanding sistem penbelajaran mengenal huruf diperkenalkan. Begitu juga dengan sistem Al-Furqan. Apa yang istimewanya Al-Furqan ini? Umi tertarik dengan buku ini kerana kaedah yang dicipta tidak mengikut abjad hijaiyyah alif, ba, ta dan seterusnya tetapi susunan yang disusun mengikut bunyi pertama yang keluar dari mulut baby...

Set ini ada 4 buah buku & 1 CD audio Panduan Mengajar Efektif


  • Mengenal dan membaca 14 huruf lazim al-Quran
  • Keutamaan huruf berdasarkan bunyi pertama yang keluar daripada mulut bayi
  • Penggunaan kad imbasan dan lagu-lagu yang menarik bagi kanak-kanak
  • Latihan membaca suku kata perkataan bermakna secara bertahap
  • Mengenal dan memahami fungsi baris asas bacaan al-Quran

  • Mengenal dan membaca 14 huruf Al-Quran yang susah disebut
  • Latihan membaca pelbagai suku kata dalam pelbagaibaris secara bertahap
  • Mengenal dan membaca huruf sambung
  • Membanding dan membezakan bentuk dan bunyi huruf yang hampir sama


  • Mengenal dan membaca Mad Asli
  • Mengenal dan membaca bacaan Tanwin
  • Mengenal dan membaca Bacaan Sukun
  • Mengenal dan membaca bacaan Mad Lin
  • mengenal dan membaca bacaac Qalqalah
  • Mengenal dan membaca Bacaan Tasydid
  • Latihan membaca pelbagai bentuk bacaan secara bertahap
  • Bina keyakinan membaca Al-Quran seawal mungkin

  • Mengenal dan membaca asa bacaan panjang
  • Mengenal dan membaca Hamzah Wasal
  • Mengenal dan membaca Lafaz Allah
  • Memahami cara meberhentikan bacaan
  • Mengenal dan membaca asas bacaan dengung dan sebaliknya
  • Mengenal dan membaca asas bacaan idgham
Selain daripada itu, mommy boleh dapatkan Flash Card Al-Quran (tapi setakat hari ini, umi diberitahu stok ni dah abes, sbb hot selling) kene tunggu la nampaknya bagi mommy yang takde lagi..hehe..

Istimewanya Kad AL-FURQAN mengandungi 48 keping kad yang disusun secara sistematik sebagai alat bantu mengajar Al-Furqan 1 - 4. Harga RM12 (promosi KLIBF) Normal Harga RM15. Kalau mommy nak tempah Set Al-Furqan ini boleh emel ye..atau

Boleh dapatkan buku ini di booth ReadNetwork, PWTC sekarang..promosi ini sempena KLIBF 2011, so mommy jangan lepaskan peluang ini untuk mendapatkannya dengan harga yang murah! Kalau nak beli daripada umi pun boleh, tp harga biasa RM24.90

Sempena KLIBF 2011 ini juga, umi membuat promosi untuk Little Reader Deluxe dengan harga yang lebih murah, save RM200. Normal price is RM1300 tapi untuk kali ini umi menawarkan promosi RM1100 sahaja sehingga June 2011..sebulan je..klu ada permintaan, insyaallah akan dipanjangkan tempoh tersebut bergantung kepada beberapa faktor. So, jom kita meriahkan suasana ilmu ini dengan menambahkan keberkatan mengajar dan belajar ilmu dan al-quran di rumah..Semoga malaikat sentiasa menaungi mommy dan baby yang berada dalam majlis ilmu ini...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Understanding LR Works

Posted by tenangnow | 0 comments
Below is the sample how to understanding the flash card lesson...

Sample Flash Mode Lesson

Sample Customized Lesson:

Sample Phonics Lesson:

Sample Personalized Lesson:

So, mommies boleh melihat bagaimana Little Reader membantu baby untuk membaca dan mempercepatkan proses pembelajaran dan perkembangan otak kanan baby..

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bukan untuk bertanding?

Posted by tenangnow | 0 comments
Mesti kenkadang mommies tertanya-tanya pada diri, kenapa sibuk nak ajar anak awal-awal..sampai masanya drg ni boleh la membaca, takyah nk susah payah nak ajar.."

Kalau kita tengok sejarah ilmuwan dahulu, (umi pernah ulas sedikit sebelum nie) bagaimana Imam Syafie 7 tahun dah boleh menghafaz al-Quran, 30 juzu' ok?ahaks.... Al-Maududi umur 15 tahun dah jadi editor akhbar, Sultan Muhammad al-Fateh umur 19 tahun dah jadi pemerintah...

Glenn Doman menggalakkan untuk mengajar anak seawal mungkin. Beliau juga pernah cakap.."ada banyak sangat teknik di dunia ni untuk mengajar anak untuk membaca"..tetapi daripada semua teknik yang dikaji, cara yang paling berkesan adalah "bila anak dan mommy happy masa belajar".

Basically Glenn Doman metod guna flash card, lebih kurang sama dengan Shicida metod..especially bab flash card dan principle macam mana nk mengaktifkan otak kanan baby. Antara teknik yang dilakukan oleh Glenn Doman:
  • Start early.
  • Teach when your child is happy. (And you’re happy too!) bukan dua-dua tengah stress.
  • Stop before your child want to stop/anak naik bosan/minta berhenti.
  • Create a good and conducive learning environment. Don’t do it while the TV is on.
  • Trust and respect your child.
  • Tunjukkan material cepat2.
  • Selalu update material (tunjuk benda baru).
  • Istiqomah. (ni yang paling penting..!)
  • Sentiasa bersedia awal2 dengan material, etc.
  • The Fail-Safe-Law : Kalau kita dan anak tak menikmati masa2 yang seronok semasa belajar tu, tolonglah stop. You’re doing something wrong.
Malah bukan 24 jam kena ajar budak2 ni. Budak2 cepat belajar. Umi dengan anak2 tak ada pun lebih 10 minit buat aktiviti macam ni. tapi otak mereka sangat superb. Apatah lagi kalau ibu bapa yang committed.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hak Anak Dalam Belajar

Posted by tenangnow | 0 comments
Ingat lagi entry yang lepas umi ada sebut tentang ayat Surah an-Nahl:78 yang bermaksud..

Dan Allah mengeluarkan kamu dari perut ibumu dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui sesuatu pun, dan Dia memberi kamu pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati agar kamu bersyukur

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w telah meletakkan basic bahawa waktu kanak-kanak adalah waktu belajar dan waktu menuntut ilmu. Dalam hadis juga ada disebut " Menuntut ilmu itu adalah kewajipan bagi setiap Muslim" oleh itu tidak kira kanak-kanak ataupun orang dewasa, means ibu bapa juga perlu untuk menuntut ilmu kerana ia merupakan ibadah dan digunakan oleh seorang hamba untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Rabbnya. Oleh kerana itu juga, masa kanak-kanak adalah masa yang paling bagus dan subur untuk pembentukan ilmu dan pemikiran mereka. Hadis lain menyebut:

Permisalan orang yang menuntut ilmu di masa kecilnya seperti pahatan di atas batu dan permisalan orang yang menuntut ilmu di masa tuanya seperi orang yang menulis di atas air

Hadis ini disebut oleh Ibnu Abidin dan kemudian dia katakan, 
Aku lupa apa yang aku pelajari di masa tua
tetapi aku tidak pernah lupa pelajaranku di waktu muda
tidaklah ilmu selain belajar di masa kecil 
dan tidaklah ketenangan selain belajar di waktu dewasa
ilmu setelah beruban hanyalah keserampangan 
yang mengisi hati, pendengaran dan penglihatan setiap orang 
andai sang guru membelah dada di waktu kecil
dia akan melihat di sana ilmu seperti terpahat di atas batu
manusia hanya memiliki dua hal: akal dan bicara
barang siapa yang kehilangan ini dan ini, bererti dia telah binasa
Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah:

"Barang siapa yang belajar al-Quran di masa mudanya, nescaya al-Quran akan bercampur dengan daging dan darahnya. Dan barangsiapa yang belajar al-Quran di masa tuanya dengan kepayahan dan kesusahan namun dia tidak meninggalkannya, maka dia mendapat dua kali pahala.."

Diriwayatkan oleh al-Baihaqi:

"Barangsiapa yang dapat menghafal al-Quran sebelum mencapai usia baligh, maka dia termasuk orang yang mendapat hikmah di masa kecilnya."

Sudah cukup dengan beberapa bukti al-Quran dan hadis di atas menyatakan bahawa anak yang belajar di usia mudanya akan memiliki pengaruh yang cukup kuat dalam perkembangan ilmu, menjadikan mereka kuat ingatan malah sanggup menghadapi bebanan menuntut ilmu apabila dewasa nanti...

Adaptasi daripada buku: Prophetic Parenting

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What People Think of Little Reader??

Posted by tenangnow | 0 comments
Semoga kata-kata mereka ini boleh memberi semangat kepada mommies yang telah memiliki LR mahupun yang masih belum memiliki...
Please bear in mind, proses learning bukan hanya mengambil masa beberapa minit, atau beberapa jam atau mungkin juga beberapa hari malah beberapa bulan bahkan beberapa tahun...the most important thing, u all mesti "istiqomah", berterusan, yakin dan akhirnya tawakkal...mungkin ade mommies yang hanya sebulan je yang ade hasil tetapi ade juga 3bulan, so bergantung kepada baby masing-masing, but still THE RESULT IS GUARANTEED!!

Wyatt's Dad

"I saw a late night infomercial for YBCR. Immediately it made total sense to me so i bought the whole package.

(a month or so ago it happened again with Brillkids Little Reader and Little Math. I was even more excited and impressed with this whole site and community forum so i bought the full Deluxe set of both. Started 10 days ago and boy is it ever worth the money. I really like YBCR and it got us started and we still use it, but Brillkids is far, far more complete and i'm waiting to buy the music and spanish ones also)

Mom of Eaton 

"My son has benefited tremendously from using BrillKids. With only a few minutes each day, the amount of knowledge that he obtains is amazing. By using the flash card and voice over system, he learns new words, phonics and definitions, increasing his understanding and intelligence. More importantly, he enjoys the process of learning and looks forward to it each day. He often climbs on my lap while I am at my computer, asking for more flash cards.

Using the built in curriculum, my son is able to pick up new words and sounds along with the ability to read. I started my son on the BrillKids program at 3 months and he is now able to read at 18 months. The program works great for me as a bilingual mother. I can prepare lessons in English and in other languages. I can even prepare lessons in languages I do not speak or read and my son will be able to learn them.

I would not hesitate to recommend BrillKids to any parent that asked me. It is a tool that can help our children have the best start possible and the brightest future available."


"Before I discovered Little Reader (LR), I spent MANY MANY hours making flashcards. It consumed all my spare time, and I stopped enjoying the teaching, as I knew what was install for me after – making more flashcards!

Little Reader have provided me with the opportunity to spend much more time with my little girl, whilst providing me with the most amazing learning tool! I have used the course curriculums and my little girl absolutely loves the lessons! When it's LR time, she starts jumping up and down and gets wonderfully excited. The voices reading the flashcards change throughout the lesson - keeping her interested, the pictures are of great quality and they are truly right brain, flashing one second at a time. In addition, I have access to an endless library of files which are added by parents / caregivers on the brillkids forum. I have also been able to teach her Italian and French using the library.

Let's not forget the thousands of dollars it has saved me preparing expensive flashcards – and saved my imagination, as it is all done for you! YAY for LR!!!!!!!!"


"I am very happy to say that I am seeing results in just 2 weeks of starting the LR curriculum. My little one is 9-1/2 months old and he is able to vocalize words like geen, buoo, ello (green, blue, yellow) within a week of showing LR. Around the second week, he saw a dog coming and called it a "dog." This particular dog has several names like juju, bobo, blackie, jackie etc...but he picked up the right word and called it a "dog" !! I am simply amazed...And yesterday, came "Catth" (cat) out of his mouth!! Its so sweet to hear him speak all these words...In fact, he has not said any word in our mother tongue as yet...!!! I am very very happy with LR. Its definitely a great tool to be owned...

A BIG thanks to BrillKids for coming out with such a wonderful product and the superb curriculum. I am glad I bumped into it at the right time!"


"My son said "Mum" at 5 months and "Dad" at 7 months. He said his first real words (pointed to object when saying) "duck" and "dog" at 8 months. He is now 13 months and has reached 28 words that we understand. We have used parts of the Doman method, Your Baby Can Read and of course Little Reader/Math for some time now.

He has really started to say more words now that we are following the curriculum! A big thanks to BrillKids for providing this. I have really noticed a rapid onset of words since starting this. This week he has added the words "head" and "arm" to his vocabulary. He has seen these words many times before, but I believe that the way the words are presented on Little reader via word flash, multisensory and picture flash has made all the difference"


"I just started little reader with my 18 month old yesterday- I have been teaching him sign language- he knows about 35 signs and says about 20 words. Absolutely loving signing with him and so glad I put the effort in to teach him.

Crazy thing is that I showed him a file of animals in little reader and when I showed the word for crocodile even before the picture he did the sign for crocodile. I thought it was a coincidence but he did it again before the picture came up. All I could think of was that I have used flashcards with him in the past and he has a crocodile book I read to him regularly but I have no idea how he could have possibly read it?

I'm blown away by what little sponges babies are!"


"When I heard of Little Reader, I was skeptical. Anything that sounds too good to be true probably is. However, that's not the case with Little Reader! I can program in whatever words I want and customize them to whatever we're learning about that week. I can show pictures. I can add sound and Encyclopedic Knowledge information. Most importantly, though, my son loves it.

It was difficult to keep my son's attention with paper flashcards, and playing peek-a-boo behind the words got boring for me and for him. With Little Reader, I can customize each lesson so that it's different every time. With the multimedia options, it's always interesting. He begs to do Little Reader several times a day. For me, Little Reader has been a priceless addition to our smart baby resources."


"Our 19 month old absolutely loves this program. He enjoys anything that involves reading, numbers or the alphabet. He will sit in front of the screen and point to the letters in each word as it appears on the screen.

He can already read about 100 words, and I believe Little Reader had a lot to do with that. I can't say enough about how wonderful a program this is. I recommend it to everyone I know with young children. Thanks, Little Reader!"


"We absolutely love it! Little Reader is not just a flash card program like many others on the market.
 It allows you to do so much: you can show different picture for the same word, you can easily create your own category with pictures of your baby, record your own voice, add videos... the possibilities are endless!

Not only that, there's a whole wealth of great downloads created by other moms that you can simply download and use! Both my 3 yr old son and 9 mo old daughter love it! Thank you!"


"SIMPLY SUPERB! - I guess no other words can describe it better. You need to try it to believe it. We were a bit late in trying this out but still I can see results."


"Little Reader is really an excellent software program, and my twins really love it. They are sooo into it. Even when there's a big TV on other side playing cartoons, they'll ignore that as soon as I start playing the program. This is teaching by repetition, and what is so cool is that there's a lot to do by way of personalizing the lessons. You can customize, add and edit lessons you want your child to learn so they'll never get bored.

To all new mommies, this program is a must!"


"I love Little Reader for so many reasons! It is an unbeatable tool for creating and presenting multisensory presentations for my daughter in order to stimulate her right brain.

The content library that is available for free download saves me so much time, too - instead of preparing so many lessons, I can just download and use them, giving me more quality time with my baby. The support and shared experiences of all the BrillKids forum members are also priceless.

I highly recommend Little Reader and its community to every parent that cares about his/her children."


"I got my son started on Powerpoint flash cards, and to keep his attention, I added animation & sounds to the picture presentations.

Little Reader is the perfect solution, because it is so much easier to use & has so much more content & options – you can play material that it comes with by default & it allows you to add more lessons easily, too! Now, I spend more time interacting with my baby rather than preparing his lessons!"


"I've been using Little Reader for 3 months now, and my baby and I make time to read through the lessons everyday. I've always seen our Little Reader lessons as bonding time with my baby. She truly loves seeing the flash cards on screen, and it amazes her each time to hear the sound effects and pronunciations, as well as see the words and colorful pictures.

Thank you very much for your website. More power!!!"


"Little Reader has guided me in teaching my 22month-old daugher without any force. As soon as I run the file, she starts jumping and making sounds, often crying out, "bee!" which means "A, B, C!"

It has also taught me so much on how to create more teaching material. It is a wonderful educational program and I highly recommend that all mothers and teachers use it to teach their children."


Little Reader telah menyedarkan saya tentang pendidikan awal kanak-kanak dan meyakini tentang perkembangan minda a.k.a akal yang Allah beri pada manusia...saya juga realized dengan hati melalui mata kasar bahawa baby mempunyai jiwa yang sangat bersih dan suci, maka ajarlah sesuatu yang suci juga dengan ilmu yang bermanfaat dan memberi manfaat pada orang lain. Dalam surah an-Nahl, sudah terang dijelaskan: "Dan Allah mengeluarkan kamu daripada perut ibumu dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui sesuatu pun, dan Dia memberi pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati nurani, agar kamu bersyukur." jom, kita sama-sama manfaat nikmat yang Allah beri ini dengan sebaik-baiknya untuk menjadikan anak kita sebagai anak yang berilmu, taat dan akan memberi manfaat kepada orang lain kelak..."

"Jika kamu hendak dunia, kamu perlu berilmu, jika kamu hendak akhirat, kamu perlu berilmu, jika kamu mahu kedua-duanya, juga perlu berilmu..."

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